Opposites Attract? Of course They Do!

They said it will be a girl, but a boy was born,

There were roses in his garden, but he liked the bed of thorn.

They thought he would be dark like his parents,

But, he was as fair as the morning and his hair was transparent.

They named him Bankey, though he was straight,

They called him Golu at home, though he low in weight.

They thought he would shine in his studies,

And make a mark for himself, among his buddies.

But, he used to hate all his books,

And used to spend his time alone around the nooks.

They thought, he will marry a beautiful girl as fair as him,

But, he brought home Sonpari, who was not fair and not even slim.

He went by the laws of attraction, which says like repels and opposites attract,

And, looking at them everybody accepted the simple fact.

If good is there, there will be evil, if love is there, there will be hate,

It is up to YOU to choose the right side of his fate.

Our heart can feel both happiness and pain,

Our lips can show a smile and our eyes can show a tear,

WE are nothing but a collage of opposites,

From new to old, from laugh to cry and from courage to fear.

Day and night will always embrace one another,

There is no point of proving that one is better than the other.

If there is darkness, morning is just about to come,

Opposites make up each other, with one, the world will be numb.


Image Courtesy: http://orig14.deviantart.net/984d/f/2010/152/0/4/the_opposites_love_by_davved.jpg

This is for IndiSpire prompt, Time for a poetry on love and hate as in contrasting/opposite things like black and white, fat and thin and so on. So, how creative can you get?

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